Devils on the outside Angels on the inside.
Yes, that's us.


Thursday, October 14, 2010 / 1:09 AM

HELLO 2C !!!

About the class chalet; here's what we have decided on so far (tentatively) and the details:

Location: Aloha Changi
Date: 8 Nov - 11 Nov (4D3N or 3D2N)
Pricing: $100 -$150 per night (before civil servant discount)
Room size: living room + 4 bedrooms + kitchen + bbq pit

We're suggesting 8-11 Nov cause it's the days which are cheapest throughout our whole holiday (late Nov - Dec is like $300 siao!), so we're sorry if we won't be able to suit everyones needs :(

Yep and we chose Aloha Changi cause it's cheap and super super big! Although it's located very far from those attractions like cinemas or escape or wild wild wet or what not, class chalet should be for class bonding right? :) So we were thinking since the place is big maybe we could have things like dai di tournament, mahjong tournament, blackjack etc etc
or snap/ reversi/ bingo anything la hahahahha depending on what everyone brings! Everyone must play! :)
Can have a knockout tournament wheee~

Someone can bring scary movies too heehee or pokemon, though I'm not sure if there's a DVD player — we might have to bring that as well.

We can explore the deserted changi hospital! :O Or go to the airport runway? I don't know if can la lol but we can try hahahaha it'll be such a fun class expedition!

Yes so please give your opinions and confirm with Lydia if you can make it !!! :) BY FRIDAY OK PEOPLE WE'RE BOOKING IT ON FRIDAY !!!! Not much places left so if we are to get the cheap rates we have to hurry!

Oh and btw we need someone's parents to help us book if we're to get the discount :) Rest assured we'll collect at least most of the $$ before booking, and it'll be an organised collection so we'll know who hasn't paid and we'll get the money from them LOL heh :) So volunteer please!!!! By Friday! :)


WeLaugh WeCry WePlay WeSlack
We're forever a Class and that's for sure.