Devils on the outside Angels on the inside.
Yes, that's us.


Friday, September 17, 2010 / 9:25 PM

Hey ppl, here's a video of Bryan Tan during dance:

Pls watch and ENJOY!!

(FYI, the one in yellow is BT :D)

Hmm... your may find 4.38 to 5.04 interesting XD

Sry bryan :P

Wednesday, September 1, 2010 / 1:18 AM

I miss it like some shit omg!!!!!! Only the old version though, the new one sucks :( They changed Ash's voice, how dare they! >( And his clothes!!!
I took my cds out to watch and I cried at the very first episode AGAIN when Ash tried to sacrifice himself for Pikachu (: The part where he stole Misty's bike and the Spearows were after him hahahhaa
Gonna buy all the cds woo!!! :D
Do you guys like Pokemon too? Miss it? :(




WeLaugh WeCry WePlay WeSlack
We're forever a Class and that's for sure.